Artichoke leaf extracts (ALE) of Globe artichoke, Cynara cardunculus scolymus, are known to have health benefits such as antioxidant, hepatoprotective and cholesterol lowering effects1,2. Cardoon belongs to the same species and its leaf extracts share a number of biological effects with those of artichoke3. The main objective of this study is to compare cultivars of each plant, collected in France, to highlight differences in composition using a metabolomic approach.
Extraction on dry leaves of twenty-eight cultivars was performed using an infusion method to obtain a cardoon or an artichoke liquor. Two replicates of extraction were performed per cultivars. Liquors were then ultrafiltrated to remove remaining macromolecules. The extracts were then analysed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (Orbitrap-based instrument) in both negative and positive ionisation modes using data-dependent acquisition (DDA) fragmentation method.
Spectra were processed and data matrix were generated (Compound Discoverer, Thermo Scientific). Multivariate statistical analyses were performed to investigate sample differences. Unsupervised Principal Component Analysis indicates that, in addition to species differentiation, some samples exhibit different fingerprints within each species. Supervised analyses and peak annotations are currently undergoing to identify compounds and explain these differences.
[1] Salem, M. Ben; Affes, H.; Ksouda, K.; et al. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 2015, 70 (4), 441–453.
[2] Wauquier, F.; Boutin-Wittrant, L.; Viret, A.; et al. Nutrients 2021, 13 (8), 2653.
[3] Zayed, A.; Serag, A.; Farag, M. J Funct Foods 2020, 69, 103937.