• Program at a glance

  • Monday morning workshops

  • The WS1 workshop "Peptide Identification in the Age of AI" will explore the latest advancements in AI-powered informatics tools for peptide identification from MS/MS spectra. It is intended for researchers and practitioners interested in optimizing their peptide identification workflows and discovering new possibilities offered by AI in this field. It will highlight some of the latest software developments for peptide identification, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities of using AI for peptide identification. Through hands-on demonstrations of AI-powered peptide identification tools, we plan to conclude with a Q&A session for open discussions
    1. New developments in the massXpert/mineXpert tandem software - Filippo Rusconi (Le Moulon)
    2. Full native timsTOF data parser implementation in the i2MassChroq software package - Olivier Langella (Le Moulon)
    3. Very first stage of MS/MS spectra processing significantly impacts their subsequent interpretation: illustration through reliable Histone post-translational modification identification with MGFBoost - Christophe Bruley and Hassan Hijazi (Grenoble)
    4. Validation of MS identification via prediction of characteristics and clustering of MS/MS spectra - Nicolas Nalpas (Rouen)
    5. Benchmarking of several tools and acquisition methods used for label-free quantification of phosphoproteomics samples: an opportunity to unveil challenges and pitfalls - David Bouyssié (Toulouse)
    6. Deep dive into recently developed software for PTM identification - Lennart Martens (UGent)
    Time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry is experiencing a resurgence after a period dominated by Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS). Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI), which had been somewhat sidelined, is now regaining prominence, often in conjunction with TOF. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of TOF mass spectrometry, covering its fundamental principles, technological advancements, and diverse applications. It will be particularly valuable for researchers and practitioners seeking to deepen their understanding of this powerful and versatile technique.
    1. Time-of-Flight: Principles, Evolution, and Applications - Fabien Chirot (Lyon)
    • explore the history of TOF mass spectrometry, from its inception in the late 1940s to its widespread adoption in the 1990s, and the technological advancements that have revolutionized its application.
    • cover the fundamental principles of TOF, including the use of reflectors, various acceleration modes (axial and orthogonal), delayed acceleration, and aspects such as resolution, mass range, and sensitivity limits.

           2. Detectors, Sensitivity, Resolution, and Acquisition Frequency - Guillaume van der Rest (Paris Saclay)
    • delve into the specifications and analytical performance of TOF devices, emphasizing the impact of modifications to associated peripherals.
    • discuss how acquisition frequency, influenced by electronics (sampling frequency, modulation, and voltage control), affects resolution.
    • explain the role of multi-stage TOFs and multiple electrostatic mirrors in enhancing resolution, and address intrinsic sensitivity (ion transmission efficiency) and species detectability (detector technology).

          3. Quantification: PASEF, SRM/PRM or DIA - Giovanni Chiappetta (PSL ESPCI Paris)
    • highlight the resurgence of TOF in quantification, particularly in non-targeted modes.
    • present the most appropriate quantification modes for this analyzer and their limitations.

          4. Manufacturer R&D Example: How to guide and follow ions in a TOF? - Alexander Makarov (Brème)
    • how to design a TOF analyzer geometry, focusing on ion trajectories, signal transmission, and amplification.
    The young scientists' clubs from the SFSM and the FPS are joining forces to host the Young Scientists' Workshop. This workshop is a unique opportunity for you to strengthen bonds among passionate young scientists! You will have a rewarding networking experience, meeting and exchanging ideas with peers from both societies.

    The workshop will kick off with a presentation of both young scientists' clubs, showcasing the opportunities and activities you can join all year round. Following that, an engaging icebreaker activity will help you mingle and easily start discussions with young researchers from both societies. To top it off, roundtable discussions will be held where you can discuss your research topics, applications, and methods, and receive constructive feedback, or help on specific questions, from fellow young researchers. Don’t miss this chance to energize your network and boost your scientific career!

    You can register to the Workshop at the link below, before September 2nd 2024  :
  • Registration & Accommodation
    26 Avenue Jean Kuntzmann
    38330 Montbonnot
    Tel: +33 825 595 525 (0,15€/min*)
    Information desk
    Monday to Friday from 2pm to 5pm

    (*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.

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